Friday, October 28, 2016

Visiting the Pumpkin Patch

We took a quick family trip just down the road to a local farm that opens to the public for a few days in October for a pick-your-own-pumpkin-off-the-vine experience. They have hayrides from the parking area to the farm, a few animals in the "petting zoo", a big slide, dress your own scarecrow and several other activities. 

I guess there were far more exciting things going on than taking a picture.
Addison is still getting used to wearing shoes. She stands like her feet are in concrete blocks and can't move!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Addison's 1-Year / Cake Smash Photos

Our little blue-eyed beauty! Thank you for the photos, Aunt Bonnie. We love them!
- Photos by Bonnie Thomas Photography -

Greyson - 11 months (same pose, different location)

And some props that may look familiar...

This rocking chair was Blake's (and Blake's grandpa's) when he was a kid. I'm glad I never got around to painting it navy blue to match Greyson's room!

The crib I used for my baby dolls... and apparently myself! Tanya cleaned it up painted it white when her girls used it for their dolls and it looked perfect in Addison's photos to match the birthday hat, onesie and tutu I made for the photo session.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Happy (almost) Birthday to Addison!

In preparation for Addison's first birthday, we booked Aunt Bonnie for a 1-year/cake smash photo session. When a last minute location change and forecast of a chilly morning threw a wrench in our plans, we made the most of a newly opened wedding venue a few minutes from our house. The owners were so accommodating and Bonnie was able to get some great shots at the old farmhouse. Addison was pretty stingy with her smiles (we later realized it was the start of an ear infection), but we still ended up with some cute pictures! Jason and Harper came along for the ride that weekend, so we were able to play and visit with them.   

Prepping for picture day.
Addison and Aunt Bonnie
It was a loooong drive from Conroe.
Leftover balloons are always the best!

Friday, October 21, 2016

Watch out! Addison is Walking!

Addison has been taking  a couple of steps at a time for about two weeks, but now she has really figured it out and took off. Here she comes!

October 14 (10 1/2 months old)

Thursday, October 20, 2016


The current project underway in Uncle Blake's Workshop - a new media console for our living room!
Enjoyed a stroll down the street on a perfect Friday night with these two munchkins. 
Lunch with Nannie and Guppy
The Butler Pumpkin Patch
I searched high and low for the perfect outfit for Addison's upcoming birthday photo session. Obviously, she loved it... (She was not sure what to think about those weird things on her feet!)
Check out those Spidey-muscles!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Greyson Playing Fetch.... with Addison!

Who needs a puppy when your baby sister plays fetch just as well?!

Addison - 10 Months Old

Addison turned 10 months old on September 22, and as usual, as soon as I started getting things set up to take pictures of her, Greyson suddenly wanted to be the center of attention. Sibling rivalry starts early! Addison is sooo close to walking, but not quite yet. She is pulling up on furniture and standing (without holding on to anything) but is hesitant to take a step and will instead plop down on the floor and crawl. 

"Momma, take a picture of meeee!"
Greyson - 38 months old ;)
"Momma, I want to hold her!"
Sibling Love
Pretty smile showing of those chompers!

<3 Ruffle Butts and chunky thighs <3

Saturday, October 1, 2016

School Pictures 2016

Greyson and Addison's daycare had it's annual picture day in mid-September. I was surprised to hear that Greyson was being a little ham and cheesin' his way through the shots. It usually takes him a while to warm up for pictures, but since Addison was with him, I guess he wasn't shy. He was telling the photographer, "This is Addison Sue. This is my baby sister."  They both did good on the shots together, but the photographer couldn't catch them both with a good smile at the same time. It's tough! When it was Addison's turn, Greyson stepped out of the shot - still within a few feet - but I guess that was too far because all her smiles had disappeared. I couldn't help buying the prints because it reminded me of another chubby-cheek, furrowed-eyebrow little blondie...