Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Snapshots - Addison

Do you remember when I said she looked so tiny in her car seat a few short months ago (picture below)???
Addison - 1 week old
Testing out the jumper at daycare.
Bath time in the BIG bathtub!
Another then and now.
Big smiles!
Greyson giving Addison the scoop on one of his favorite movies, Cars.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Snapshots - Greyson

Greyson had his first Easter Egg Hunt of the year at daycare. His teachers said he took off and didn't waste any time loading up his basket!
Showing me his eggs and "tandy" (candy).
Star Toddler of the Month
When I am with Mommy and Daddy I like to: be a big helper and read books.
My favorite food is: chicken with ketchup AND BBQ sauce.
My favorite song is: Wheels On the Bus and Old McDonald Had a Farm.
My favorite toy is: my "motorcycle" aka tricycle.
Concentrating so hard during Centers Time at daycare.
Crazy hair and waffles with his buddy, Zane.
Greyson and his buddy, John.
Zane always loves to give Greyson good-bye hugs.
I'm not sure what he was saying, but it looks important.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Blake the Builder and His Little Apprentice

Blake has been busy working on a table for Greyson and Addison for the playroom, and Greyson has loved helping him. As you can see, he gets his "measure" (measuring tape) and does everything Daddy does!

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Greyson's Big Fish!

Blake and Greyson went to Huntsville for the weekend to celebrate Braylon's 5th birthday while Addison and I stayed home to attend a baby shower for one of my friends. Addison and I missed seeing the Butler side of the family, but loved seeing old friends and their new babies. Braylon invited a few friends and cousins to his house for his birthday party to go fishing in their backyard pond. I heard Greyson had a great time and he even caught his first fish!! He was so proud! Thank you Nana and Aunt Bonnie for the great pictures!

Greyson didn't stop talking about his big fish for a few days...